Available blocks
The Layouts allow you to create page templates, where you will assemble blocks and elements on a page, to use and re-use in your website. You have access to a whole range of content elements, from text, titles, links, buttons, images to tournament structures, calendars and participants list.
You can nest elements to build advanced compositions and really give way to your creative side.
The Pages section is here for you to build the content of your website, from everything you have declared above. You may go back to any setting at any time to change it, and will now add pages to your website, based on a layout (the default one being a blank space on which to build anything). You will find the same elements as in the Layouts section, but will this time be able to fill them with content.
All of this together will let you create a website with the page(s) you want, and even generate pages to be used as a widget via an iframe on another website if you so choose. Here are the different elements (or blocks) currently available, with the following format:
Block type
Content: Option 01 Option 02Style: Option 01
Description and function.
For more information about the different settings available in the blocks, check our Block Settings guide.

Layout elements
Content: Orientation Distribution Alignment Columns/Rows SpacingStyle: Spacing Background
The Section block lets you create a generic standalone section of a document, which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it. It automatically fills the horizontal space of its parent, and has a height depending on its content.

Content: Orientation Distribution Alignment Columns/Rows SpacingStyle: Layout Size Spacing Border Background
The Container block lets you bundle elements, in order to organize and apply style effects to them.

Base elements
Content: HeadingStyle: Layout Text Size
The Heading block lets you add a title or subtitle in your page. Headings are used by search engines to index the structure and content of the web page. A <h1> heading should be used for the main heading of your page, followed by <h2> headings, then <h3> for less important things etc.

Content: TextStyle: Layout Text Size
The Text block lets you add text to your page, with complete control over the style of the text (font, color, size, alignment etc.).

Text link
Content: Text Link type URLStyle: Layout Text
The Text link block lets you add a clickable text leading to another page of your website, or another website entirely.

Content: Text Link type URLStyle: Theme Layout
The Button block lets you add a clickable button designed with your theme, with a link leading to another page of your website or another website entirely.

Content: Image Width/Height Alt textStyle: Layout Border
The Image block lets you add an image to your page.

Image link
Content: Image Width/Height Alt text Link type URLStyle: Layout Border
The Image link block lets you add an image to your page, that is clickable and can lead to another page of your website, or another website entirely.

Content: URL Width/HeightStyle: Layout
The Video block lets you add an embed player with a video linked from Youtube, Twitch or Vimeo.

Content: Navigation itemsStyle: Navigation Layout
The Navigation block lets you add a navigation bar designed with your theme, with custom items and links.

Toornament elements
Stage viewer
Content: Stage ParticipantStyle: Layout Size
The Stage viewer block lets you add a single stage display from the Prime tournament you set for the website. It will offer different options depending on the type of stage you want to display, and is entirely customizable via your theme.

Structure viewer
Content: Participant Match Ranking BracketStyle: Layout Size Navigation Match Buttons Bracket Ranking
The Structure viewer block lets you display the whole structure of your Prime tournament, with a navigation in case of a multi-stage one. You can customize the visual aspect of the viewer via the theme of your website.

Participant list
Content: ParticipantStyle: Layout Buttons
The Participants list block lets you add the list of participants of the Prime tournament, with options regarding the way to display them and designed from your theme.

Match calendar
Content: Participant MatchStyle: Layout Date Match Buttons
The Match calendar block lets you add a list of matches designed with your theme, sorted by scheduled order.

Tournament name
Content: HeadingStyle: Layout Text Size
This block dynamically displays the name of the tournament the page is about.

Tournament logo
Content: Width Height Alt textStyle: Layout Border
This block dynamically displays the logo of the tournament the page is about.

Tournament info
Content: Tournament infoStyle: Layout Text Size
This block lets you choose specific tournament information to display on tournament pages.

Registration button
Content: TextStyle: Theme Layout
This button automatically links to the registration page of the tournament currently displayed.

Circuit viewer
Content: Tournament Tournament linkStyle: Layout Navigation Tier Tournament style
The circuit viewer lets you display a whole circuit with tournaments, arranged with seasons, regions and tiers. Tournament links may be enabled, either to web addresses, or to a dynamic page of the website (that includes the {tournamentId} variable) which will then display specific tournament information from previous blocks.