Automatize your registration validation process
Organizers willing to speed up their registration process may choose to automatically accept registrations, by enabling the option in the Settings > Registrations menu:

Basically, enabling this option will make registrations be automatically validated in your tournament, following their creation date order, and up to the tournament size (once the tournament is full, additional registrations will remain pending).
As the organizer, you are still free to act on registrations (validating registrations over the tournament size, refusing validated registrations etc.) and can disable / re-enable the option at will.
Actions that trigger automatic validation
Registrations can be automatically validated when one of these happen:
- User creates a new registration
- Participant cancels his registration
- Organizer refuses a registration
- Organizer resets a registration
- Organizer modifies the tournament size
- Organizer removes a participant
1. User creates a new registration
A new registration will automatically be validated if there is still room in the tournament.
2. Participant cancels his registration
If a participant cancels his validated registration and there is still room in the tournament, the next registration in line (based on the Creation Date of the registration) becomes validated.
3. Organizer refuses a registration
Refuse a validated registration, that can not be automatically accepted anymore, and frees up a slot, automatically accepting the next registration in line.
4. Organizer resets a registration
Leads to the validation of the next registration in line, if there is still room in the tournament. Will be the same registration if the registration was validated, and is the first in line.
5. Organizer modifies the Tournament Size
If an organizer reduces the size of his tournament under the number of current validated registrations, then he will be prompted with a message informing him that he has too many participants, but the system will not refuse or cancel registrations automatically.
On the other hand, increasing a Tournament Size, to accommodate more registrations, will automatically cause registrations to be accepted again if there are free slots available in the tournament, and pending registrations awaiting.
6. Organizer removes a participant
Deleting a participant cancels his registration, leading to a possible free slot.