Difference between Result & Score

Updated by Geoffroy "Vomact" Piot

OG-KB The Result and the Score are two very different things, that work closely together. Here are the key terms used throughout this Knowledge Base:
  • Match Result: the outcome of a match, either "Win"/"Draw"/Loss" in a Duel match, or the rank in a FFA match. A participant may also be "Forfeit", which supercedes all other results.
  • Match Score: the points attributed to participants in a match.
  • Game Result: the outcome of a game, either "Win"/"Draw"/"Loss" in a Duel game, or the rank in a FFA game. A participant may also be "Forfeit", which supercedes all other results.
  • Game Score: the points attributed to participants in a game.

Here's the vizualisation of a Duel Match:

And here's what a FFA Match is about:

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