Manage your Registrations

Updated by Geoffroy "Vomact" Piot


Registration is a crucial part of your tournament: it's the first contact and feeling your participants will get when engaging with you and it's super important that they feel good!

Here's our little guide to handle registrations like a boss!

Setting your Registrations right

Open the "Settings" -> "Registration" menu. From there, set the Registration opening and ending dates and add custom messages.

There are also several options for you to configure how you want the registrations to be handled, with possibility of having the registrations be accepted automatically by the system, receiving or not email notifications for each new registration and adding your own legal regulations to the registration form.

Custom Fields

Toornament handles custom fields, so that your participants can add useful information, like their In-Game Names, nationality and many others.

Go to "Settings" -> "Participant", under the "Player Custom Field" tab and add the ones your need. Learn more about the Player Custom Fields here.

Spread the word!

Toornament gives you a wide array of tools to promote your tournament and keep your participants up-to-date.

Registration widgets, direct link and mobile app will help you bring your Registration process to your target audience in a natural way.


You may now go to your "Registrations" > "List" to see the applications coming in, and start accepting them! Use the filters to display a category of registrations (like all the Pending ones), and use the buttons to perform an action on them all at once:

Alternatively, you can also directly click on the action icons, or check individual registrations to modify their status:

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