The Match Lobby

Updated by Geoffroy "Vomact" Piot


Participants like to talk, would it be to exchange information about an upcoming match, or to gloat after a win. Whatever the reason, Toornament now features a fully functional and home-made chat system, linked to a tournament's match: the Match Lobby.
It is available to all the participants of the match, and all admins of the tournament with the "Report Results" permission.

A Participant point of view of the Match Lobby.

You can access it from a match page in the Organizer Dashboard:

The Organizer Match Lobby, accessible with a button close to "Videos" and "Streams"

The goal of this new feature is to ease up the communication between participants in a tournamentand for admins to give information or settle other matters like score disputes and such. Click on any message to display the date and time when it was sent.

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